I provide consultation and offsite supervision to Marriage and Family Therapy Interns and Social Work Associates.
I’m not currently taking interns into my private practice at this time but I do provide consultation as well as offsite supervision. Perhaps you work at a site that gives you great experience but no one on site can sign off on your BBS hours. Maybe your site can only give you one hour of supervision but you have more hours you could count if you had more supervision.
I can be paid either by you as an intern or by your site. In order for you to pay me rather than you agency paying me, we will need to have an offsite supervision agreement in place.
I’ve been supervising since 1991. I’ve taught master’s level clinical classes in the Counseling Department at Sonoma State University for over 8 years. As a faculty supervisor I’m familiar with many of the agencies and supervisors in both Sonoma and Marin Counties.
In my role as a clinical director or onsite supervisor I’ve supervised students from various clinical programs including Dominican University, University of San Francisco, CIIS, Wright Institute, Alliant and Sonoma State.
As I worked my way through the Counseling Program at San Francisco State and collected hours at various sites under several very different supervisors I became very interested in supervision. I started supervising shortly after I was licensed. Initially I supervised students who didn’t need BBS hours but over my supervision career I’ve supervised MSW associates, MFT trainees and interns as well as PhD and PsyD students. I’ve supervised at agencies/sites in Marin and Sonoma Counties.
I have supervised students, trainees and interns with diverse theoretical orientations from psychodynamic to CBT to somatic.
Supervision Philosophy
My role is to support you in finding your clinical voice and unique theoretical perspective, not in having you do therapy like me. My goals as a supervisor are: to encourage your own thinking and problem solving; to open space for new ideas; and to help you develop or extend your personal style as a therapist. I think we can do this and enjoy the process at the same time.
The personal qualities that I believe are critical attributes of a competent therapist are: empathy, respect, curiosity, suspended judgment and the ability to hold multiple perspectives as valid. In my supervision I strive to model the qualities and will encourage them in your work with clients.
My philosophy of supervision is greatly influenced by my theoretical orientation. I am strongly systemic, whether the system is a relationship, family, community, or classroom, etc. I use supervision to explore the therapist’s role in the system of the therapeutic relationship. I am also committed to narrative therapy. I value empowering clients and supervisees finding their own solutions, using their knowledge of themselves and their lives. I oppose pathology or deficit-based conceptualizations and prefer to build on strengths. Clients are experts on their lives and you are an expert on yourself as a therapist. In narrative therapy and in my supervision, I ask questions to tap into the personal knowledge that can lead to solutions. I avoid giving advice—I find most people don’t take it and it stops them from trusting themselves.
When you and I consider how to facilitate change, we will primarily focus on your role as the therapist—our door into the therapeutic system. My responsibility to the therapy itself is to simply monitor whether a client’s needs are being met by the therapy. I expect you to come to supervision prepared to discuss areas in which you have questions or challenges. You can decide how to prioritize the time and whether we discuss every client each week. In general do not expect me to hand you an answer. Rather we will likely discuss how you want to respond to the dilemmas you are facing and what the effects might be of various interventions.
I ask questions as a way to understand the client as well as your thinking about the client. I expect that questions will lead to more questions and then to your own answers about how to proceed.
Working with me
Our supervision will be significantly influenced you, your needs and your preferences. I want to hear what has been helpful as well as not helpful in your previous supervision relationships. Our supervision will be a collaborative effort that will change over time based on your needs and strengths.
Call to see if I have a current supervision group running. Individual supervision and consultation is always available as schedules permit. Please call if you have additional questions or to set up an initial consultation to see if I would be a good fit for your supervision needs: 707-765-2635